Java tips and tricks from a lady trying to play with the boys...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Windows Environment Variables: Solved

Some of you may recall this issue that I was having with Windows Environment Variables not resolving properly on my servers. Today, on the verge of launching a shiny new production server (supposed to happen this weekend, more likely next weekend), I have resolved the issue.

The solution comes from here, but requires more explanation.

If you are experiencing this problem, you are apparently setting your environment variables by right clicking on My Computer, selecting Properties & going to the advanced tab. Not correct. You need to right click on my computer and select MANAGE, go to advanced, and set the environment variables there. I tried this months ago, but apparently if you're already experiencing the issue, just resetting the environment variables there won't work. You need to delete them and recreate them in the Manage screen, including your Path variable.

Thank goodness, that one was a real bother.

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